ArcanaCon – The Mystery Convention

I finally have found some time to write about my recent experience at ArcanaCon – The Mystery Convention. It was to be my first time at ARCANACON and although I didn’t know what to expect, I must have known that speculation would have been pointless. As the name suggests, it was all rather a mystery and remains so in some key aspects.

Needless to say, I didn’t get much rest the night before the convention, thanks to the anticipation. What an unusual sight the location was, and inside, how curious it all was. Never before had I seen such a variety of things to see, not to mention, types of people!

Much of this has become a blur though as I still try and unpack what I experienced across those three days, however it started with a rather curious set of opening statements and taking a journey of exploration through some of the great unknowns throughout history.

On the first day we heard an interesting case for the location of the famed Alexandrian Library; a hot topic at Halfway to Hades where I discovered my new favourite drink, ‘Vanitas’ served in a crystal skull and which has inspired another adventure to find the original source bar of this most delicious cocktail.

Anyhow I digress…after some speculative sipping I spent the afternoon daring to deduce that drinking before the day’s final session was definitely dangerous to do. I caught up on the sleep that I had lost that afternoon and was ready to bounce back for a big Day 2.

Ancient techniques and an historical retrospective followed by anachronism (curious indeed!) and some rather bold claims in pursuit of immortality. Why have we always been so fascinated with extending our lives? Looking around me I’m not certain that would make for the most comfortable of experiences…though I suppose it would depend on the inclusions. Perhaps the answers could be found in ancient text and symbols? I didn’t quite uncover anything through the limited exposure I had to them but there were some very interesting similarities between techniques across many cultures. I also got to experience a view of the people of our ancient world in a new light through what was revealed about the authors. I may have been more excited than most on this topic as it seemed many were quick to dash off for afternoon canapes where glyphs soon became forgotten as ‘Immortality Guy’ stole the afternoon’s conversation! I did manage to find brief haven in a few nerdy-types in a corner who had appeared to be inspired by the glyphs workshop but they had a disagreement within themselves and disbanded for the day.

Day 3 was delightful in that we kicked off with a carbon dating workshop which I thoroughly enjoyed! Mostly because of the contact it offered to some of the rarest and most unique archaeological discoveries ever made! It honestly looked like the kind of items you would expect to inflict you with plague and curses for a thousand years…let’s hope not. At least it was a look and no touch! The afternoon was where this curious three-day convention became blurred for me. I am not sure how to articulate what, how or even when I saw what I did next and how the rest of the afternoon transpired. I only understand that it may take some time to unpack the experience as a whole, for my mind keeps telling me that much was illusion.

Even as I write this, I scold myself for sharing even a skerrick of speculation but when I have been rattled to question some of the core beliefs that form my reality, it is most concerning! I will try not to leave you hanging for too long while I chase greater clarification on this next leg…

Prepared for Arcadium Adventures


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